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Living FAQ / Errata


Basic Command Deck - FAQ: Each player takes on one of the five available colours: Red, Yellow, Green, Blue or Purple. When building each player's command deck, ignore the card colours; instead look in the bottom right corner of the Basic Command cards; there you will find a coloured Avatar that corresponds to each of the 5 player colours. Your command deck is made up of the 15 cards with the avatar of your colour.


Distributed Defense - Change: "...any Move Action on a server with another Avatar..." to read: "...any Move Action on a server other than Faith with another Avatar..."


Firewall - FAQ: a Firewall is a type of Guardian. Any rule or phrase that applies to a Guardian also applies to a Firewall.


Flare - FAQ: a Flare is a type of Spark. Any rule or phrase that applies to a Spark also applies to a Flare.


Full Intel Variant - in this official variant, set up the Countermeasure deck during setup and you may look at front side of these cards, including the Goals, at any time. This is the designer's favourite way to play.


Ghost - FAQ: the Ghost of an Avatar is not an Avatar. The Ghost of an Avatar acting on a partition is merely the impression of an Avatar acting as if it were on that partition. This means, for example, that the Ghost of an Avatar is not prohibited from acting in a partition by a Firewall.


Hall of Fame - is here


Intel Phase - instead of setting up the Countermeasure deck during setup, draw a new Countermeasure card (Copper, Silver or Gold) during the Intel Phase, unless you are playing the "Full Intel" variant.


Guardians - Guardians destroy everything when they are created or enter a new partition. On Page 12, it says: "As soon as a Guardian token is placed ...", but you should read it as: "As soon as a Guardian token is placed on or moved/teleported to a partition ..."; you should also remove all Sparks and Guardians as well (though in practice this situation should not arise, but perhaps might in future expansions).


Move ActionFAQ: you start an action by generating commands; blue commands give you 'movement points'; so you start a Move action by generating one or more blue commands, say X, which gives you X 'movement points'; then you start 'spending' the movement points however you wish, and you can continue moving until you decide to end the movement action, and moving between two partitions costs 1 movement point, unless both partitions contain a blue contaminant/installation in which case it costs zero movement points.


Neutrino Scanner - add the text, "Skip the New Sparks Step."


PathwayFAQ: A series of blue tokens in adjacent partitions creates a zero Movement point “pathway” for Renegades to move along.


Project Consciousness - Cost should be 3 Cognition.


Random Partition - if asked to select a random partition then roll the Partition Die.


Random Server - if asked to select a random server then roll the Server Die. If you roll the "white side" of the server die then it means the server your [the person rolling the die] avatar is currently standing on. Normally the active player is the person rolling the die; outside of the Command Phase it is the Alpha Hacker (i.e the First Player).


Rolling for Sparks - "Rolling for Sparks" means Sparks added to the Network by rolling the Spark Dice during the New Sparks Step as a result of the SMC's security level Spark Placement Quantities.


RS20-Simulator - FAQ: the RS20-Simulator SMC and the Simulation countermeasure stages I, II and III are meant to only be used in the "Walkthrough"; turn to the back of the rulebook to find the  "Walkthrough", which helps new players learn the game. The Simulator cards are not meant to be used in a regular game as they are not properly balanced for a random setup.


Rupert Stanz - Rupert's Access Point should be dictated by the player count in the game. His Access Point playing with 1-4 Players should be a #6-partition on any server, other than Faith, not being used by any of the other players. When playing with 5 players his access point is Faith-6. Note then, Rupert's "Home Server" is whichever server his Access Point is on.


Scrambler - change goal to 4 servers for three or more players (instead of 5 for four or more players).


Shop Action - FAQ: all cards used to pay the cost for the new card MUST be discarded, and one of these discarded cards must be removed from the game; this one card is replaced with the card you are buying which goes straight back into your hand. You may use any number of cards and overpay the cost, thereby allowing you to select any card from your hand to be the one removed from the game.


Simulation Stage III - on Success you should return all tokens on this card back to the stock.


Simultaneous Play - page 21, Simultaneous Play variant,  it should say "Cycle" instead of "Round" everywhere in that paragraph. Also, change this part: "(i.e. performing their Actions in any order they choose)", to read: "(i.e. performing their Turns and Actions in any order they choose)."


Surrounded - a partition is "surrounded" by every adjacent partition. e.g. a partition surrounded by sparks has a spark on every adjacent partition.


Tokyo Black- ability should say "server tile" not "server" (both occurrences). REDUCE COST to 2 Information


Viral Overload - The goal should say, "Playing solo, having at most one Open Partition on each server without a Virus still counts as a Success."; The SUCCESS event should read, "On either Virtue OR Salvation: add one Spark to every partition that does not contain a virus." The FAIL event should read, "Add one Spark to every partition on Virtue and Salvation that does not contain a virus."


White Side - FAQ: the "white side" of the Server Die is the side which has the avatar/pawn icon in white on it.


Listen up. I'll try to keep this simple. Know your tools, know your enemy; keep up with the latest intel, and be sure to ask the right questions. Right here is where you'll find the answers....

If you have any questions about Renegade feel free to browse the forums at Board Game Geek or email designer Ricky.

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